William Forsythe







フランクフルト市からの莫大な予算を使って、次々と革新的な作品を発表し、choreographic objectsと呼ばれる身体を大胆に使ったパフォーマンスアートも展開しました。身体の運動態を示すことで、彼にとっての中心課題が身体の取り扱い方であることが明らかになりました。



彼の活動の詳細は、http://www.williamforsythe.de/ に掲載されています。フォーサイスはバレエの動きを脱構築し、身体の動きに対する果敢な関心を具体化し、メディア技術を駆使して表現することで、表現の新たな可能性を追求しています。私たちはその成果を楽しみに待ち、期待に裏切られることはありません。


William Forsythe

Born in Brooklyn in 1949, William Forsythe had a passion for dancing and choreography from a young age, defying societal expectations by pursuing a career in the arts. According to him, a musical-style piece he created in high school received positive feedback, solidifying his decision to follow this path.

From that time, he considered dance not just as a performance but as a form of total art. However, this was the era of postmodern dance, where meta-dance questioning the nature of dance itself was popular. While it was known that he was involved in activities in downtown New York, he focused more on honing his dance technique at the Joffrey Ballet School. In 1973, he auditioned for the Stuttgart Ballet, received a scholarship, and decided to go to Germany. Unfortunately, John Cranko passed away from a heart attack on a flight, so Forsythe never had the chance to learn from him directly. Instead, he learned the importance of creating works from Glen Tetley.

The year 1973 was a pivotal one in dance history, with the deaths of expressionist dance legend Mary Wigman and John Cranko. It was also the year when the relatively unknown Pina Bausch became the artistic director of the Wuppertal Theater, and Jiří Kylián, at the age of 26, became the de facto artistic director of the Nederlands Dans Theater, marking a transformative period in the dance world.

Forsythe’s colleagues in Stuttgart say he was an exceptional dancer, but more importantly, he was a standout creator. His works from that time, such as “Galileo Galileo” and “Time Cycle,” were highly regarded. He also created a Tanztheater-style piece reminiscent of Pina Bausch’s works, “Ah, She Was A Whore,” showcasing the breadth and depth of his choreography. In 1976, he became the company’s resident choreographer, and in 1984, he was appointed artistic director of the Frankfurt Ballet. His piece “Artifact,” created that same year, is considered one of the masterpieces in ballet history.

His works began to gain recognition for their “hard Balanchine” style. “In the Middle, Somewhat Elevated” remains in the repertoires of ballet companies worldwide, characterized by its tight leotard costumes and sharp, intense movements. This style brought him fame.

With a substantial budget from the city of Frankfurt, Forsythe produced a series of innovative works and expanded into performance art with what he called choreographic objects, using the body boldly in performances. This period made it clear that the central theme for him was how to handle the body.

In 1994, to commemorate his 10th anniversary as artistic director, he co-produced “Improvisation Technologies” with ZKM, a groundbreaking collaboration with media tools. Although Forsythe joked about mixing up CD-ROMs with audio CDs, he was excited to showcase this software on the then-new Mac. In Japan, this software was prominently featured in a public lecture and exhibition at the opening of the Shinjuku Park Tower Hall in 1995.

After the end of his honeymoon period with the city of Frankfurt and facing budget cuts, Forsythe dissolved the Frankfurt Ballet and established The Forsythe Company in 2005. The smaller company allowed for greater agility, and he continued to release works that embodied his innovative ideas. Beyond choreography, he has increasingly presented his ideas through exhibitions and installations, pushing the boundaries of performance art.

Details of his activities can be found at http://www.williamforsythe.de/. Forsythe deconstructs ballet movements, concretizes his bold interest in the body’s movement, and utilizes media technology to explore new possibilities of expression. We eagerly anticipate his next creations, knowing that we will not be disappointed.

Written by: Yoshinobu Matsuzawa